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The Kokstad Integrated Sustainable Development Plan (ISDP)

“We will ultimately not be judged by our technology, we won't be judged by our design, we won't be judged by our intellect and reason. Ultimately, you judge the character of a society, not by how they treat their rich and the powerful and the privileged, but by how they treat the poor, the condemned, the disabled. Because it's in that nexus that we actually begin to understand truly profound things about who we are”

- Bryan Stevenson

We The MCCDO have been Mandated by Greater Kokstad Municipality (GKM) to help drive this Integrated Sustainable development implimentation process. To view the letter of mandate Click here to Download.

Below - Meeting with the committee from the Disabled Peoples Community in Kokstad tasked with helping to identify and drive priority projects as part of ISDP implementation!

What is the ISDP - The Integrated Sustainable Development Plan (ISDP) is a long-term plan aimed at putting the towns of Kokstad and Franklin on to a path of sustainability, building resilience to climate change, energy challenges and social and economic forces. The plan integrates existing plans and strategies (IDPs, SDFs, LED strategies, housing plans and so on) into a coherent, integrated plan that will put Kokstad onto a path of sustainability.

The foundation of the Integrated Sustainable Development Plan for Kokstad and Franklin is the Development Charter. In the charter the GKM community and development partners commit to change, working and planning together with organised stakeholders for a new sustainable trajectory for development, pursuing sustainable and functionally integrated development practices. The charter embraces a new mindset to ensure the sustainability of future development initiatives and projects, especially where short-term expediency may tempt compromise. The aim is to achieve sustainable service delivery, building on local assets and knowledge and exploiting the economic potential of the region for the equitable benefit of all people of the GKM. The principles of justice, zero waste, resource resilience and food security, support for the vulnerable, safety, respect for diversity and heritage are central to the ISDP.

The Charter was developed and signed by the GKM under the guidance of the Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA) as part of the DBSA’s Sustainable Communities Programme.

The outcomes of the implementation of this plan should be that Kokstad and Franklin operate better socially, economically, spatially and environmentally. The long-term, 25-year time horizon for this plan implies that these outcomes should be sustainable into the future.

The intended outcome of this process is a set of clearly defined and co-developed strategic objectives that are both meaningful and resonant to the communities of Kokstad and Franklin, and that provide visionary direction, strategic clarity and a clear pathway to programmes and projects for the next twenty-five years. At the same time these strategic objectives, programmes and plans should be viewed as living, breathing objectives that may adapt over time in response to feedback and learning as Kokstad and Franklin embark on pathways to sustainable development.

The ISDP (Integrated Sustainable Development Plan) comprises three documents - the Status Quo report, the Integrated Sustainable Development Plan and the ISDP Popular Version - all of which are available at the links below.

The Dropbox links are for downloading the documents, the Issuu link takes you to an online pdf viewer so you can look at the document without downloading it.



1. Final KISDP Status Quo Report:
Dropbox (download)

Issuu (online view) 

2. Final KISDP Strategy, Development and Implementation Plan:
Dropbox (download)
Issuu (online view)

3. The 'popular document' version of the Final Report (can also be printed A3 as posters):
Dropbox (download)
Issuu (online view)

A note about Dropbox and Issuu - if you are printing the document, we recommend printing double-sided since the document is meant to be read as a double-page spread. If you are reading online: the link takes you to a single page view for easy reading, but if your screen is big enough we recommend switching to the double page view (the double page icon is the top of the webpage).

If you have a problem downloading  any of these please contact us and we will send the requested document directly.

"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members." ~ Mahatma Ghandi

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